Passion Message

Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your truth, we wait eagerly for you, for your name and your renown are the desire of our souls! ISA. 26:8

Sunday, October 19, 2008

G'Day Mates!

Hello from Sydney, Australia. The weather is beautiful and this city looks gorgeous as I look out over the Bay here in Sydney. I hope to post a lot of pictures as I have a whole day to see the city before we start the load-in and preparation for this final city on the World Tour.
I am a little tired from the long night-time flight from Hong Kong to Sydney. It was a long day; The first group of us left the hotel in Hong Kong at 3:30pm and the plane took off at 7:30pm and we arrived in Sydney at about 7:30am.
With that in mind I am going to call it an early evening. I went out for a little while and took the pictures you see as I did not want to get messed up with jet lag and will get in bed early to make up for the lack of rest/sleep so I will be in good shape tomorrow.
So, that is it for now and if I see any croc's, tasmanian devils or kangaroos I will be sure to let you know.

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